
Treating ARLD patients using a novel approach

Continued alcohol use is the single largest determinant of the prognosis of ARLD patients, with a 50% mortality rate within 3 years. There is no effective pharmacological therapy to ensure abstinence or reduction in alcohol use in ARLD patients. The most important element in ensuring that an ARLD patient does not deteriorate involves cutting down or eliminating alcohol use, ultimately leading to total abstinence. Whilst Alcohol Care Teams exist for this very purpose, they are not a scalable solution and, in reality, only a small proportion of harmful drinkers receive interventions from such teams.


About AlcoChange

AlcoChange® system, software as a medical device (SaMD), provides an innovative solution to address this problem. At its core, AlcoChange® consists of a smartphone app that communicates with the CyberLiver Platform and connects with an external digital biomarker that enables self-recording of abstinence or alcohol use and provide positive reinforcement.

Intended use:

AlcoChange® intended to reduce alcohol use and maintain abstinence in individuals with established alcohol-related liver disease.

Indications for use:

AlcoChange® is a digital therapeutic software that provides behavioral therapy based on the CyberLiver Behavior Change (CBC) model. It facilitates self-monitoring of alcohol use/abstinence and delivers digital behavior change interventions (DBCIs) in response to patient triggers such as cravings or geographical location, with the goal of increasing abstinence and retention in the outpatient treatment program.

AlcoChange® is currently undergoing a Pivotal Randomised Controlled Trial in the UK, funded in part through a grant from the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR). This follows the extremely positive results from a Phase 2-equivalent study that showed a 60+% reduction in alcohol use amongst compliant participants