Digital therapeutics for advanced liver disease

CyberLiver emerged from a conversation between our co-founders that highlighted the huge burden of liver disease and how it is emerging as the world’s fastest growing disease. Melding decades of hepatology research, expertise in software technology and understanding of global health markets, CyberLiver’s journey began, applying a pharma-grade approach to the development of software to treat liver disease.

We are assembling a world-class team of global experts in management, clinical strategy, software technology, intellectual property, regulatory strategy, financial management and most importantly commercial models.

Prof Rajiv Jalan

Professor of Hepatology and Head of the Liver Failure Group at University College London and consultant hepatologist at the Royal Free Hospital in London.

Published 400+ original papers in high impact journals. Scientific Director of the European Foundation for the Study of Chronic Liver Failure and has been Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Hepatology, the highest impact journal in the field of Hepatology. His research efforts have led to the discovery of a portfolio of patents, one of which, a therapeutic for a complication of cirrhosis, is in a Phase 3 pivotal study. Among the elite of global leaders in scientific research..

Ravi Kumar

Founder, CEO & CTO, Managing Director

A successful Digital Health Tech entrepreneur with an IPO & public company executive management experience, with a strong focus on Health IT R&D

Ravan Boddu

Founder, Director, Chief Operating Officer

Digital Health Software and management expert. Entrepreneur with hands-on approach to strategy, people and execution.

We are going places. Accepted into two prestigious accelerator programs

P4 Precision Medicine
Programme 2021

P4 Precision Medicine Programme 2021 Led by UCLPartners to facilitate new and innovative collaborations between academia, industry and healthcare

Digital Health Accelerator Programme 2020

Led by Yorkshire and Humber AHSN, imed at helping digital health innovators navigate the NHS

Want to join us?

We are always looking for new talent to join our team of experts. If you have a passion for using innovative methods to improve healthcare and believe you can help us at this exciting time, we would love to hear from you. Please email us with a cover letter and resume’